Thursday, 4 October 2012

A tale about Orcs

This afternoon reading: Orcs Forged for War (2011) by Stan Nicholls.
I have to admit this is my first read of Nicholls. My eyes were catched by the cover, that Orc doesn't look as a beast: it's a warrior. Look at his eyes, he hasn't a axe but a Sword, a wooden shield on the back, even a belt with pockets. Too civilized than the classic image of the brute. And actually it is: the Orcs are the good guys in Nicholls word. Good story telling indeed.
I must admit that the conflict on this word is similar to the French and Indian wars of the 18th century, where the Unis are the first English colonist, there is even a preacher, Kimball Hobrow, who in look and speech resembles a Massachusetts preacher; the Matis, maybe, the french; and the Elders are the native Americans. I will say that the Orcs could represent the Iroquois, but it's just a guess.
Indeed I would like to read the books.
A few things more, I could see that there are two quotations from the Odyssey: the Sirens and the Cyclop.
The encounter with the sirens is quite funny: sailing on the river ours heros mee an Island with the singing sirens "quick cover your hears"... but when the sirens see that they are Orcs, stop singing and starts shouting "go away, we don't want you ugly Orcs"... this is too funny I thinks :)
The scene with the Ogre-cyclop is a clear reference on Polyphem casting rocks on Odysseus.
A small mistake has been done by either the letter or the artist: we see the Orcs building a casting machine, a trabucco, but they call it catapult. Maybe I am too picky. :P

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