Monday, 26 November 2012

Why should we not confuse Star Wars for a Fantasy?

There are three fundamental elements which characterized a pure Fantasy  that are missing in Star Wars.
I will not spoil those here now, cos I'm writing an article which will be published on a new Fantasy magazine, Kingdom of Fantasy.
 So let's turn the question around, why is Star Wars a science fiction movie?
In episode V Empire strike back, Luke lost is hand. mmm, interesting point, not?
Luke get a mechanical prosthesis at the end of the movie. As Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader at the end of episode III. Anakin comes out of the fight with Obi with is body seriously damaged, but once again is not the magi, a spell that save him, but technology that turn Anakin in the half man half robot. Darth Vader born. Magi doesn't heal but it's the use of technology that does.
Indeed magi is absent in Star Wars.Yes, because the Force is not magic. Why not? What is the Force otherwise?

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