Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Gea, by Luca Enoch

Who is Gea? Why does she live alone in an abandoned building? Who maintain her? Where are her parents?  Why are her dreams marred by a frightening monster nightmare? Why does she always wear sunglasses? What is the “Triad”?

At first glance Gea is a common teenager girl: slim, going to school by scooter or rollerblades, she doesn’t have an affable character and she is perhaps too short-tempered, she loves rock and plays bass in a small band with her friends, she has an uncontrollable passion for chocolate.
Is all that glitters gold?

Gea is an Italian comic first release in June 1999 by Sergiobonellieditore, written and illustrated by Luca Enoch. Who has written with Stefano Vietti “Dragonero”, published in US by Dark Horse Comics. Enoch has also illustrated The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin in 2007.

Gea makes strange dreams, dreams of an accident in which she’s directly involved, a frightening monster dreams,  she dreams of a man almost charred with a sword who sent her “something”, she dreams of a light, blinding, that hurts her eyes, that makes her wake up every night sweating,  almost oblivious of what the sleep revealed her.

The house, where Gea lives alone with Cagliostro her black cat, is full of old treatise of esotericism. But they are not alone, three curious goblins lives there too. They keep the house in order, look at Gea while she sleeps, take pictures of her. These goblins are invisible to Gea, but she now they are there.
Gea has a mysterious “uncle”, who communicates with her by phone and “pneumaticmail”. This “uncle”, who is never seen, gives her special assignments and the money needed to pay her every day bills.

Gea is a Bastion (Baluardo), the most young and inexperienced, a human being endowed with special powers by the “Supernatural” or Archangel. Gea mission has been passed throughout centuries, of fighting and returns to their worlds "intrusive entities" that through the folds of the Multiverse come into our dimension for various reasons, sometimes by accident, too often recalled. Whenever there’s a  “trespassing” a white star appears on Cagliostro forehead.

Gea is armed with magical blade hidden in the neck of her bass, a blade identical to that of her dream that can kill powerful beings and open gates to an idyllic dimension called "limbo", where any creature can live in peace waiting to return to their plan. But not all these fairy tale creatures are peaceful, there are evil entities helped by the “Triad”: three demonic creatures, able to take on human form, living among us under a false name. 

One of them is the so-called “Ardat-Lili” that humans know as “Diva”, a famous fashion designer, who lives in a skyscraper with a “Rakshasa”, a particularly nasty demon who serves as a bodyguard.  The building is actually a kind of “antenna” which allows it to communicate with other dimensions.


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