Monday, 26 November 2012

Why should we not confuse Star Wars for a Fantasy?

There are three fundamental elements which characterized a pure Fantasy  that are missing in Star Wars.
I will not spoil those here now, cos I'm writing an article which will be published on a new Fantasy magazine, Kingdom of Fantasy.
 So let's turn the question around, why is Star Wars a science fiction movie?
In episode V Empire strike back, Luke lost is hand. mmm, interesting point, not?
Luke get a mechanical prosthesis at the end of the movie. As Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader at the end of episode III. Anakin comes out of the fight with Obi with is body seriously damaged, but once again is not the magi, a spell that save him, but technology that turn Anakin in the half man half robot. Darth Vader born. Magi doesn't heal but it's the use of technology that does.
Indeed magi is absent in Star Wars.Yes, because the Force is not magic. Why not? What is the Force otherwise?

Saturday, 6 October 2012

In which category can we place Army of Darkness?

This movie is a sequel of Evil Dead II, but it's not a Horror as previous movies because the scariness, the splattering and the suspense are in the background of the story. Someone might argue that it is a parody of previous films. Yes, this was, probably, one of the purposes of Sam Raimi who wanted to make fun of the splatter genres and his own movies. 
Let's analyse the elements of this wonderful move: a Medieval world, a quest, an Evil menace, wise men, a beautiful woman, an outside hero and sorcery. Sorcery was present also in the previous movies, but there was the mean to create the Horror situation.
Now the question is Fantasy or Sword and Sorcery genre? 
What? Someone will argue at this point, are not the same thing? 
No, they aren't. 
Sword and Sorcery telling are on ours Earth, in a remote past, a remote future or in a contemporary one. While a Fantasy is set on another world, not just different geography and races than Earth, but also a different sky - two or more moons, for example.
Here we are, I will say that Army of Darkness is a Sword and Sorcery parody of splatters movies :-)
And this show what genius Sam Raimi is. 


Friday, 5 October 2012


If you realize that around or inside of you, something is changing, if everything starts to go wrong and you feel that your life could be in danger, but doctors and experts do not find a solution, maybe you’ve been hit by a curse. You might even get to see so-called magicians or fortune tellers who are only interested in your money, but it would be useless. Unless you have the luck or the good sense to turn to Rourke. Because he has the gift of “stealing” the curse, and then transfer it to himself. At that point, you will be free and the problem is all its own.

By Francesca Da Sacco and Federico Memola

Thursday, 4 October 2012

A tale about Orcs

This afternoon reading: Orcs Forged for War (2011) by Stan Nicholls.
I have to admit this is my first read of Nicholls. My eyes were catched by the cover, that Orc doesn't look as a beast: it's a warrior. Look at his eyes, he hasn't a axe but a Sword, a wooden shield on the back, even a belt with pockets. Too civilized than the classic image of the brute. And actually it is: the Orcs are the good guys in Nicholls word. Good story telling indeed.
I must admit that the conflict on this word is similar to the French and Indian wars of the 18th century, where the Unis are the first English colonist, there is even a preacher, Kimball Hobrow, who in look and speech resembles a Massachusetts preacher; the Matis, maybe, the french; and the Elders are the native Americans. I will say that the Orcs could represent the Iroquois, but it's just a guess.
Indeed I would like to read the books.
A few things more, I could see that there are two quotations from the Odyssey: the Sirens and the Cyclop.
The encounter with the sirens is quite funny: sailing on the river ours heros mee an Island with the singing sirens "quick cover your hears"... but when the sirens see that they are Orcs, stop singing and starts shouting "go away, we don't want you ugly Orcs"... this is too funny I thinks :)
The scene with the Ogre-cyclop is a clear reference on Polyphem casting rocks on Odysseus.
A small mistake has been done by either the letter or the artist: we see the Orcs building a casting machine, a trabucco, but they call it catapult. Maybe I am too picky. :P

Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Amazing Spider-man

Let's say that Spider-man has always been one of my favorite Super-hero. Honestly the last movie was a fist in my eye. The story of the parents, reminded me on the first movie of Hulk; the actor wasn't Peter Parker at all; and the movie all together doesn't involved me at all. How can be so easy in US to build a full laboratory in New York sewers???? Indeed the reptilian doctor was good,  but that's all, about this movie. I truly hope they will not do a second one....

The Savage sword of Conan

Just found a huge comic collection of Conan. They are enjoyable, I like the drawings, but the story are so simple and naive sometimes. Moreover often they could be a western if they changed the swords and axes for colt's and winchesters XD And the Pitchs for American native ;)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Dragonero blog by Luca Enoch

I was reading this blog

What struck me was how a story is born. In the last post is about the figure of a dwarf and the story that hides his ax.
I remember, as a child, each one of my soldiers, playmobile and figure was for me a character with a story and features. I was used to build stories with a complex background. I invented landscapes, build cities and ships. A whole world. The game was just it, to build worlds in which to move soldiers and various figures.
What I'm trying to say is that, it's fascinating as each individual uses his creativity, some draw, others write a piece, others just a game.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Christopher Paolini

I just start to read Inheritance. Indeed I haven't read the other books, just saw the movie few years ago. I hope the book will be better. 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Picture of Dorian Grey: Fantasy?

I think that sorcery is essential for a Fantasy: what if not a spell can trap the soul of Dorian in the painting? Perhaps the painter used magic paints?


This is the secret of a good writing: the writer doesn't say if the character is good or bad. It's up to the reader to decide it.

Dragonlance: Raistlin

This guy is the coolest of the group. 

Friday, 21 September 2012


One of the best comics I have read recently. It's not a Fantasy, I know, but I believe that a good comic may also have space here for a discussion.

Lady Hawk as movie of the day

Lady Hawk (1985) directed by Richard Donner, with a beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer, a young Matthew Broderick, and the Rutger Hauer in one of his 3 best movies.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Doctor Who movie in 2014?

According to Variety magazine, a big screen version of Doctor Who is now in the works, and Harry Potter director David Yates (who worked on the Order of the Phoenix onwards) is the man attached to the project.

The Sword and the Scimitar, by Simon Scarrow

The ancient Order of St. John, defender of Malta, has to use all is valour, courage and passion to fight the most ferocious attach the Ottoman has ever done to the Island. 
The book, not a fantasy but an historic novel, make us to follow Sir Thomas Barret, a knight who has to confront his past before he can fight the Ottoman menace, and protect his Queen.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Fantasy movie of the day

Labyrinth (1986), directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lukas

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Fantasy movie of the day: Willow.

Willow, directed by Ron Howard with a story by George Lucas (1988)

A typical Lucas writing. Val Kilmar as IanSolo; Willow as Luke Skywalker; The Queen as the Emperor Palpatine; and the General as Dark Vader, with a mask too, a skull one.
The evil Queen remind the queen of Snow White by Disney classical.
The plot is a new born baby who was prophesied will destroy the evil Queen.
Not a great movie if we look at it by this view point. But I like Willow, the dwarf is cool, I think so. I also like Kilmar, who I believe has not been used at is best by Hollywood. A pity.
Lucas could do better, he just recycled the Star Wars story taking off the science fiction part, or maybe he adapted this storytelling for Star Wars...

Dragonero Italian blog

It can be translated in using Chrome. XD

Monday, 10 September 2012


Last Sunday I was dinning with friends, and I started to talk about Fantasy with a Greek guy, Karol.
It was fantastic to listen how he described those books.

Best Fantasy movie: Sinbad

Last night I watched

The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, directed by Nathan Juran (1958)

I came to think to list what I believe the best fantasy movies I ever saw.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Sunday, 2 September 2012

I just saw the works of this Italian artist, beautiful pieces of art.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Game of Thrones comic

I've to say that the comic book adds nothing to the story. It's just for those who love the genre fantasy an opportunity to meet with the saga of George R. Martin.

Game of Thrones comic

24 issues of Game of Thrones comic by author Daniel Abraham and draw by Tommy Patterson for Dynamite Entertainment.
First issue September 2011.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

That's a great news. Good luck!

New release: Dragonero

                  Dragonero will became a regular publication by Summer 2013.

The comic written by Luca Enoch and Stefano Vietti, illustrated by Guseppe Matteoni.
Published by Sergiobonellieditore in Italy, and Dark Horse Comics in US.

"A traveler from afar comes to reclaim the sword, announcing the resurrection of the God of the Seven Eyes: he lived as a righteous among the righteous, he will become ruler of heaven and destroyer of the earth, and will reign forever on a throne of blood, which was built with the bones of the saints on the skulls of the gods. "

- From the prophecies of the Wise Waldur

It sounds an interesting book.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Gea, by Luca Enoch

Who is Gea? Why does she live alone in an abandoned building? Who maintain her? Where are her parents?  Why are her dreams marred by a frightening monster nightmare? Why does she always wear sunglasses? What is the “Triad”?

At first glance Gea is a common teenager girl: slim, going to school by scooter or rollerblades, she doesn’t have an affable character and she is perhaps too short-tempered, she loves rock and plays bass in a small band with her friends, she has an uncontrollable passion for chocolate.
Is all that glitters gold?

Gea is an Italian comic first release in June 1999 by Sergiobonellieditore, written and illustrated by Luca Enoch. Who has written with Stefano Vietti “Dragonero”, published in US by Dark Horse Comics. Enoch has also illustrated The Ice Dragon by George R.R. Martin in 2007.

Gea makes strange dreams, dreams of an accident in which she’s directly involved, a frightening monster dreams,  she dreams of a man almost charred with a sword who sent her “something”, she dreams of a light, blinding, that hurts her eyes, that makes her wake up every night sweating,  almost oblivious of what the sleep revealed her.

The house, where Gea lives alone with Cagliostro her black cat, is full of old treatise of esotericism. But they are not alone, three curious goblins lives there too. They keep the house in order, look at Gea while she sleeps, take pictures of her. These goblins are invisible to Gea, but she now they are there.
Gea has a mysterious “uncle”, who communicates with her by phone and “pneumaticmail”. This “uncle”, who is never seen, gives her special assignments and the money needed to pay her every day bills.

Gea is a Bastion (Baluardo), the most young and inexperienced, a human being endowed with special powers by the “Supernatural” or Archangel. Gea mission has been passed throughout centuries, of fighting and returns to their worlds "intrusive entities" that through the folds of the Multiverse come into our dimension for various reasons, sometimes by accident, too often recalled. Whenever there’s a  “trespassing” a white star appears on Cagliostro forehead.

Gea is armed with magical blade hidden in the neck of her bass, a blade identical to that of her dream that can kill powerful beings and open gates to an idyllic dimension called "limbo", where any creature can live in peace waiting to return to their plan. But not all these fairy tale creatures are peaceful, there are evil entities helped by the “Triad”: three demonic creatures, able to take on human form, living among us under a false name. 

One of them is the so-called “Ardat-Lili” that humans know as “Diva”, a famous fashion designer, who lives in a skyscraper with a “Rakshasa”, a particularly nasty demon who serves as a bodyguard.  The building is actually a kind of “antenna” which allows it to communicate with other dimensions.