Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Amazing Spider-man

Let's say that Spider-man has always been one of my favorite Super-hero. Honestly the last movie was a fist in my eye. The story of the parents, reminded me on the first movie of Hulk; the actor wasn't Peter Parker at all; and the movie all together doesn't involved me at all. How can be so easy in US to build a full laboratory in New York sewers???? Indeed the reptilian doctor was good,  but that's all, about this movie. I truly hope they will not do a second one....

The Savage sword of Conan

Just found a huge comic collection of Conan. They are enjoyable, I like the drawings, but the story are so simple and naive sometimes. Moreover often they could be a western if they changed the swords and axes for colt's and winchesters XD And the Pitchs for American native ;)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Dragonero blog by Luca Enoch

I was reading this blog

What struck me was how a story is born. In the last post is about the figure of a dwarf and the story that hides his ax.
I remember, as a child, each one of my soldiers, playmobile and figure was for me a character with a story and features. I was used to build stories with a complex background. I invented landscapes, build cities and ships. A whole world. The game was just it, to build worlds in which to move soldiers and various figures.
What I'm trying to say is that, it's fascinating as each individual uses his creativity, some draw, others write a piece, others just a game.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Christopher Paolini

I just start to read Inheritance. Indeed I haven't read the other books, just saw the movie few years ago. I hope the book will be better. 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Picture of Dorian Grey: Fantasy?

I think that sorcery is essential for a Fantasy: what if not a spell can trap the soul of Dorian in the painting? Perhaps the painter used magic paints?


This is the secret of a good writing: the writer doesn't say if the character is good or bad. It's up to the reader to decide it.

Dragonlance: Raistlin

This guy is the coolest of the group. 

Friday, 21 September 2012


One of the best comics I have read recently. It's not a Fantasy, I know, but I believe that a good comic may also have space here for a discussion.

Lady Hawk as movie of the day

Lady Hawk (1985) directed by Richard Donner, with a beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer, a young Matthew Broderick, and the Rutger Hauer in one of his 3 best movies.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Doctor Who movie in 2014?

According to Variety magazine, a big screen version of Doctor Who is now in the works, and Harry Potter director David Yates (who worked on the Order of the Phoenix onwards) is the man attached to the project.

The Sword and the Scimitar, by Simon Scarrow

The ancient Order of St. John, defender of Malta, has to use all is valour, courage and passion to fight the most ferocious attach the Ottoman has ever done to the Island. 
The book, not a fantasy but an historic novel, make us to follow Sir Thomas Barret, a knight who has to confront his past before he can fight the Ottoman menace, and protect his Queen.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Fantasy movie of the day

Labyrinth (1986), directed by Jim Henson, produced by George Lukas

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Fantasy movie of the day: Willow.

Willow, directed by Ron Howard with a story by George Lucas (1988)

A typical Lucas writing. Val Kilmar as IanSolo; Willow as Luke Skywalker; The Queen as the Emperor Palpatine; and the General as Dark Vader, with a mask too, a skull one.
The evil Queen remind the queen of Snow White by Disney classical.
The plot is a new born baby who was prophesied will destroy the evil Queen.
Not a great movie if we look at it by this view point. But I like Willow, the dwarf is cool, I think so. I also like Kilmar, who I believe has not been used at is best by Hollywood. A pity.
Lucas could do better, he just recycled the Star Wars story taking off the science fiction part, or maybe he adapted this storytelling for Star Wars...

Dragonero Italian blog

It can be translated in using Chrome. XD

Monday, 10 September 2012


Last Sunday I was dinning with friends, and I started to talk about Fantasy with a Greek guy, Karol.
It was fantastic to listen how he described those books.

Best Fantasy movie: Sinbad

Last night I watched

The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, directed by Nathan Juran (1958)

I came to think to list what I believe the best fantasy movies I ever saw.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Sunday, 2 September 2012

I just saw the works of this Italian artist, beautiful pieces of art.